Created by Adrian DC - 2015-2020
Project description : About
Regularly used functions : Previews
Some commands examples : Samples
Project user functions : Handlers
XDA-Developers forum : Thread
This project is meant to provide multiple advanced functions and shortcuts to ease Android, Git and Linux developments
The sources written and shared here are either meant to be used as they are, or to serve as a reference for commands and functions a Shell developer needs
“Standalone Import Ready” scripts starting with source <(curl -Ls...
can be directly sourced through the provided commands from a Shell without this project
git clone -b master
source /path/to/folder/advanced_development_shell_tools.rc
, adapt and add:
export ANDROID_DEV_DRIVE='/media/../AndroidDev'
source '/.../advanced_development_shell_tools.rc'
: Optional folder for Android functions.
- shtoolsget [Get the project path]
- shtoolscd [Access the project path]
- shtoolssync [Synchronize the project new changes]
- shtoolsup [Reloads the project scripts]
- shtoolscheck [bool_ignore] [Run ShellCheck on the project]
- shtoolspush [bool_ignore_readme] [Commit new changes to the project]
- shtoolsamend [bool_ignore_readme] [bool_ignore_message] [Amend new changes to the project]
- shtoolsconf [Edit the project configuration]
- shtoolsdocs [bool_install] [Instantiate the project documentation]
- shtoolsforum [Refresh project presentation]
- shtoolsreadme [Refresh functions usages]
- shtoolsstats [Statistics on the project files]
- shtoolsdiff [Compare with the upstream project]
- shtoolslog [commits_count] [Display the project history]
- shtoolsshow [offset_count] [Display a project commit]
- shtools [Entrypoint menu to the project]
- shtools- [Options menu for the project]
- shtoolsnews [since_days] [Display the project news notifications]
- shtoolse <words> <to> <search> [Direct access to related sources]
- shtoolsf <function_or_alias> [Direct access to related function or alias sources]
- adbdatabase </data/…/sqlite.db> [Android sqlite3 database opener]
- sepaud <logs_file> [context_search] [Logs sepolicy analyzer]
- sepmsg <logs_file> <context> [grep] [Logs sepolicy message extractor]
- adbintents [List Android intents through adb]
- adbcamera [Enable and launch camera applications]
- adbsuwbypass [Bypass the Android Setup Wizard]
- adbkp <process_name> [Kill process by name]
- adbrun <executable_path> [params] [Run a device through adb]
- adbdu [Android /data/ sizes study]
- adbpropradiolog <value> [Radio debug property overrider]
- adbalsa [Audio cards advanced study]
- adbtinymix [Run tinymix on the device]
- adbeditmanifest [Edit adb /system/vendor/manifest.xml file]
- adbinputs [Dump all input devices]
- adbreadevents <event_number> [Read input events]
- adbst <process_name> [parameters] [bool_wait] [strace]
- adbstf <process_name> [Followed strace]
- adbstw <process_name> [Waiting strace]
- adbstacktombstone [ADB tombstone debugger with stack]
- adbbootchart [Bootchart debug helper]
- adbpo [Power-off device through adb]
- adbre [Reboot device through adb]
- adbrh [Hot-reboot device through adb]
- adbrr [Reboot device to recovery through adb]
- adbrb [Reboot device to bootloader through adb]
- adbw [Wait for device through adb]
- adbgetenforced [Get device enforced status through adb]
- adbsetenforced [Set device enforced through adb]
- adbsetpermissive [Set device permissive through adb]
- adbbootdump [Dump bootimage from device]
- adbbootcut <file_path> [Trim bootimage dump]
- adbrecoveryinstall <file_path> [Inject and reboot recovery]
- adbpushfile <file_path> <file_target> [Push files through adb]
- adbpu <file_path> <file_target> [Push files through rooted adb]
- adbif <command…> [Android modules build and install]
- adbil <command…> [Modules build listener and lister]
- adbi <command…> [Android modules build and rooted install]
- adbpf <file_paths> [Advanced recursive adb files pusher]
- adbp [Advanced recursive rooted adb files pusher]
- adbppr [adb automated PACKAGES_RESULTS files pusher]
- adbside <file_zip> [boot_reboot] [adb sideload helper]
- adbsiderom <rom_zip_or_bootimage> <device> [boot_no_reboot] [adb sideload ROM with addons helper]
- adbwipe <data/system/cache/all> [boot_reboot] [adb wipe helper]
- adbpi <file_path> [Automated file pusher and installer]
- adbu <package_name_or_file> [Force optimization of a package]
- adbgitpf <commit_sha1> [Push files through adb from commit]
- adbpmrom <file> [MultiROM development file pusher]
- adbpmromenc <file> [MultiROM development encryption file pusher]
- adbapkinstall [Install available apk files from current path]
- adbl [all/crash/events/main/radio/system] [file_output] [bool_clean] [adb Logcat helper]
- adblr [Logcat output relevant reader]
- adblpcln [file_adb.log] [Logcat output public cleaner]
- adblcln [file_adb.log] [Logcat output cleaner]
- adbdcln [file_adb.log] [dmesg output cleaner]
- adbkcln [file_kmsg] [Kernel logs output cleaner]
- adbstcln [file_adb.log] [strace output cleaner]
- adblc adb logcat -c; adbl (Inline)
- adbk echo -n ‘’ > kmsg; adbready; adbsu cat /proc/kmsg | tee -a kmsg (Inline)
- adbdm echo -n ‘’ > dmesg; adbready; adbsu dmesg | tee -a dmesg (Inline)
- adbkd echo -n ‘’ > kmsg; adbready; adbsu cat /proc/kmsg | tee -a kmsg (Inline)
- adbkl cls; echo -n ‘’ > last_kmsg; adbready; adbsu cat /proc/last_kmsg | tee -a last_kmsg (Inline)
- adbpl cls; echo -n ‘’ > last_kmsg; adbready; adbsu cat /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops | tee -a last_kmsg (Inline)
- adbrl cls; echo -n ‘’ > recovery_log; adbready; adbsu cat /tmp/recovery.log | tee -a recovery_log (Inline)
- adbdumpsensors adbsu dumpsys sensorservice (Inline)
- adbtrampoline adbsu ‘dmesg | grep -i trampoline’ (Inline)
- adbple [ADB Ramoops Compressed Logger]
- makei [module] [Make Android modules and install them]
- makel [module] [Make Android modules and list them]
- makez [module] [Make Android modules and zip them]
- adbmromselect [preselect] [Select MultiROM installation for path]
- adbmrombootimage <bootimage_path> [preselect] [MultiROM bootimage installer]
- adbmrominjector <kernel_path> [MultiROM kernel image injector]
- adbmromautoboot [MultiROM autoboot selection]
- adbmromedit <relative_path> [preselect] [MultiROM secondary ROM file editor]
- adbs adb shell “${@}” (Inline)
- adbdf adb shell df -H “${@}” (Inline)
- adbsl adb shell ls -l “${@}” (Inline)
- adbslz adb shell ls -lZ “${@}” (Inline)
- adbsc adb shell cat “${@}” (Inline)
- adbsg adb shell getprop “${@}” (Inline)
- adbsw <“data”> <path> [Write a string to path through adb]
- adbblkp adb shell ls -l /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/ (Inline)
- adbsgdisk adb shell sgdisk ‐‐print /dev/block/mmcblk0 (Inline)
- adbinfomem adb shell dumpsys meminfo (Inline)
- adbemergencycalls adb shell setprop ril.ecclist “${@}” (Inline)
- adbemergencylist adb shell getprop ril.ecclist (Inline)
- adbservices adb shell service list (Inline)
- adbpushsync <local_path> <target_path> [Folders adb push syncer]
- adbpullapks [Pull all installed apks through adb]
- adbscr [Take a screenshot from connected device]
- adbr [adb root and remount rw system]
- adbready [ADB ready checker]
- adbro [Verified adb root and remount rw system]
- adbsudo [ADB sudo toggle helper]
- adbcmd [Return adb command based on alias]
- adbrstock [Stock ROM adb root access]
- adbwait [delay_secs] [adb wait for device]
- adbsu <command…> [Run on root adb shell without remounts]
- adbsur <command…> [Run on root adb shell with remounts]
- adbco [ipaddress_once] [Helper for adb network access]
- adbedit [file_path] [Edit adb file, default on /system/build.prop]
- adbupdate [adb binary update from upstream]
- makes <parameters> [Helper to make with job controls or with m]
- androiddevicestarget [boot/system/…] [device] [Devices targets mapper]
- codenametotarget <codename> [Codename to build target]
- repogetdevice [Detect device name from repo environment]
- makekernel [platform_device_to_init / clean / mrproper] [toolchain_version] [make_parameters] [Kernel inline compiler]
- kerneldefconfig [platform_device] [Select defconfig easily]
- kerneltoolchains [version] [Select toolchains based on ARCH in Android build tree]
- makedefconf <device_name> [bool_full_config] [diff_config] [force_config=value] [Advanced defconfig helper]
- kernelconfigupdater <CONFIG_NAME=VALUE_or_# CONFIG_NAME is not set> [Kernel config updater]
- makedefconfset <device_name> [force_config=value] [Kernel defconfig configuration setter]
- boottools <boot.img> [Android bootimage editor]
- bootelf <boot.img> [Sony ELF 8960 bootimage editor]
- makekernelinjector <device_names> [Helper to makekernel with injector zip]
- fboota [fastupl,flash,full,inject,mrom,push,recovery,sep,unsecure,zip] [Advanced bootimage builder]
- fboot <bootimage> [fastboot bootimage flashed]
- fboots <system_img> [fastboot systemimage flashed]
- fbootr [Fastboot reboot]
- bootinfo <boot_img_file> [Bootimage structure and information parser]
- adbbootinfo [Kernel bbootimg analyzer]
- adbfotainfo [FOTA bbootimg analyzer]
- fbootk <kernelpath> [bool_fota] [Kernel image to boot partition injector]
- frecovery <image> [Flash recovery with fastboot]
- adbbootpush <image> [Inject bootimage to partition]
- adbfotapush <image> [Inject FOTA to partition]
- adbrecoverypush <image> [Inject recovery to partition]
- kernelinjectorzip <device> <kernel_file_path> [kernel_sources_for_modules] [Kernel to injector zip packager]
- bootzip <device> <boot_img_path> [bool_push_to_device] [Bootimage to zip packager]
- makesep [bool_inject] [Compile sepolicies clean]
- sepinject <root_path> [Sepolicies files to boot partition injector]
- adbramdiskinject <files_paths> [Ramdisk files to boot partition injector]
- bootimagedebuggable <device_product> <true/false> [Bootimage build unsecured patcher]
- romautorelease <device_name> <rom_tag> [nowipe,j1/j2] [Advanced automated ROM builder]
- autorelease [Helper menu access to autorelease* functions]
- autobuild <device> [Development automated ROM builder]
- outdevcl <devicename> [minimal/full] [Advanced ROM output cleaner for rebuilds]
- outbootdevcl <devicename> [ROM output cleaner for bootimage rebuilds]
- outotadevcl <devicename> [ROM output cleaner for OTA rebuilds]
- outsepdevcl <devicename> [ROM output cleaner for sepolicies rebuilds]
- outsystemdevcl <devicename> [bool_minimal] [ROM output cleaner for system rebuilds]
- outproductdevcl <devicename> [ROM product output cleaner for new builds]
- outcommoncl [ROM output cleaner for common rebuilds]
- signzip <zip_to_sign> [signed_output_zip] [Sign flashable zip]
- signzips <zip_1> [zip_2] … [Sign flashable zips]
- signapk <apk_to_sign> [signed_output_apk] [Sign an apk file]
- signapks <apk_1> [apk_2] … [Sign apk files]
- packzip <files> [Files to flashable zip]
- packzippr [Pack files from PACKAGES_RESULTS to a flashable zip]
- gitzip <commit_sha1> [Git commit files to flashable zip]
- oeminjectorzip <oem_image> [OEM files to flashable injector zip]
- repotwrp {device} [nowipe,outcl,fota,local] [Advanced builder for TWRP]
- repomrom {device} [nosync,nowipe,outcl,fota,local] [Advanced builder for MultiROM]
- repochangelog <days_count> [project1_path,project2_path,…] [Generate ROM changelogs]
- repochanges [‐‐list/‐‐local] [“filter_projects”] [Detect all repo projects differences]
- repoclean [out_folder] [Delete contents from ‘out’ folder]
- repodestroy [Delete complete repo apart from local_manifests]
- repodevclean [Delete contents from ‘out/target/product’ folder]
- repoprojectscleaner [Run inside an Android repo root]
- repotagscleaner [Run inside an Android repo root]
- repoheadscleaner [Cleanup repo projects refs/ contents]
- reposyrm <project/relative/path> [Project repo sync with removal]
- reposyrmf <project/relative/path> [Project repo sync with forced removal]
- repopathsizes <project/relative/path> [Repo project paths sizes]
- repocomparetags <base_tag_or_HEAD> <compare_tag_or_HEAD> [Helper to compare release tags]
- repocompareril [bool_caf] [Compare device to hardware/{ril|ril-caf}]
- gettop [Get repo root path]
- croot [Access repo root path]
- repos <device_name> [Prepare Android device environment]
- reporoomserv [Manifest and local_manifests editor]
- reposy [Optimized relevant repo sync]
- reposyr [Optimized and rebased relevant repo sync]
- reposysafe [Safeguarded repo projects sync]
- reposybranch [Individual repo projects sync]
- repoprune [Apply repo-wide prune cleanup]
- reposycl [Cleaned optimized relevant repo sync]
- repoforeach [Run commands for each project]
- repolistexclude [word_to_search] [Get repo list fields to exclude with search]
- repoinitaosp <branch_id> [referenced,clean,light/shallow,example] [repo init for AOSP]
- repoinitlineage <X.X> [referenced,clean,light/shallow,example] [repo init for LineageOS]
- repoinitrr <nougat> [referenced,clean,light/shallow] [repo init for ResurrectionRemix]
- repoinitcleaner [clean] [repo init cleaner]
- repoinitsafecleaner [clean] [repo init safety cleaner]
- repoinit [bool_manually] [repo init menu]
- reporefupdate [bool_automated] [Upload new projects manifests]
- reporefsync [bool_dry_run] [Download new projects manifests]
- reporefrefresh [Download and upload new projects manifests]
- reporeflinker [Helper to symlink local_manifests to Developments]
- reposwitcher [bool_init] [Helper to switch between local_manifests_* folders]
- cdd <device_name> [Access device sources]
- cdp [project_name] [Access repo project sources]
- cdman [Access manifests path]
- cdlocman [Access local manifests path]
- toout <device_name> [Get device build output path]
- cdout [device_name] [Access device build output path]
- getand [Get AndroidDev drive]
- torompaths <rom_name> [device] [Get ROM device variant path]
- pathchanged <command> <parameters> [Run command and notify path changes]
- toaosp torompaths ‘AOSP’ “${1}” (Inline)
- tolineage torompaths ‘LineageOS’ “${1}” (Inline)
- cdaosp cd “$(toaosp “${1}”)” (Inline)
- cdlineage cd “$(tolineage “${1}”)” (Inline)
- cdand cd “$(getand)” (Inline)
- cddev cd “$(getand)/Development/${1}” (Inline)
- cdprojects cd “$(getand)/Projects/${1}” (Inline)
- cdref cd “$(getand)/References/${1}” (Inline)
- cdrefapk cd “$(getand)/References/apk” (Inline)
- cdrefdev cd “$(getand)/References/Devices/”${1:+${1}}* (Inline)
- adbapks cdrefapk; adbapkinstall (Inline)
- cpaosp cp -fv “./${1}” “$(toaosp “${2}”)/${1}” (Inline)
- cplineage cp -fv “./${1}” “$(tolineage “${2}”)/${1}” (Inline)
- meldaosp pathscompare “./${1}” “$(toaosp “${2}”)/${1}” (Inline)
- meldlineage pathscompare “./${1}” “$(tolineage “${2}”)/${1}” (Inline)
- nout diropen “$(toout “${1}”)” (Inline)
- repocache [size_max/clean/reinit/wipe] [CCache watcher and configuration]
- librarieshunter <binariespath> [Libraries linkage analyzer]
- librarieschecker <prebuilts_path> [Unreferenced libraries analyzer]
- overlaycompare <overlay_file_path> [Compare device overlays against sources]
- androidextractimage <file.img> <output_path> [Android filesystem.img extractor]
- gitbranchpusher [y/n/d/s] [remote_url] [branch] [Push to project specific branch]
- androidprojectpaths <owner> <project_name> [Android project remote paths list]
- androidprojectpatcher <owner> <project_name> <email> [specific_path] [Android project patcher]
- androidprojectrebaser <owner> <project_branch> <“project_paths::name::upstream::branch”> [specific_path] [Android project rebaser]
- androidprojectforeach <owner> <project_name> <“commands”> [Android project paths commands runner]
- androidprojectsync <owner> <project_name> [Android project paths repo syncer]
- androidprojectungraft <owner> <project_name> [Android project paths ungrafter]
- androidprojectunshallow <owner> <project_name> [Android project paths unshallower]
- rompatcher [Helper menu access to *patcher functions]
- romrebaser [Helper menu access to *rebaser functions]
- gerritreview <gerrit_ssh_or_http> <project_name_or_.> <github_name_or_.> <drafts/for/heads> [branch] [Gerrit review uploader]
- gerritusername [Gerrit username getter]
- gerritssh [branch] [change_id_reverser] [Advanced Gerrit SSH interface]
- gits : git stash (Alias)
- gitsp : git stash -p (Alias)
- gitspop : git stash pop (Alias)
- gitsu [Git stash with untracked files]
- gitcleantags <branch_to_keep> [Cleanup unrequired git tags]
- gitonebranch <remote> [Git remove non-default remote branches]
- gitignoreclean [bool_dry_run] [Cleanup untracked paths from Git .gitignore]
- gitshow : git show -M ‐‐name-status (Alias)
- gitshf : git show -M ‐‐pretty=fuller (Alias)
- gitshl git show ‐‐oneline ‐‐name-only “${1}” | tail -n +2 | cut -c $((1+${2:-0}))- (Inline)
- gitshall [shal1] [Show a git commit with all chars]
- gitap : git add -p (Alias)
- gitaa : git add -Av (Alias)
- gitan : git add -An (Alias)
- gitav : git add -Av (Alias)
- gitaaf : git add -Afv (Alias)
- gitanf : git add -Afn (Alias)
- gitanp : git config core.fileMode false; git add -p; git config ‐‐unset core.fileMode (Alias)
- gite fileedit “${1}”; echo -n ‘ Done ? [Enter] ‘; read -r; git add “${1}” (Inline)
- gitbd : git branch -D (Alias)
- gitbv : git fetch ${gitreviewdefault} $(git rev-parse ‐‐abbrev-ref HEAD); git branch -vv (Alias)
- gitch : git checkout (Alias)
- gitcp : git cherry-pick (Alias)
- gitcpc : git reset; git cherry-pick ‐‐continue (Alias)
- gitcpa for sha1 in “${@}”; do echo ‘’; echo “${sha1}”; git cherry-pick “${sha1}”; done (Inline)
- gitcpf git fetch “${1}” “${2}”; git cherry-pick “FETCH_HEAD~${3:-0}^..FETCH_HEAD” (Inline)
- gitcpr git show “${1}” ‐‐no-color | sed “s#${2}#${3}#g” | patch (Inline)
- gitfcp <path> [amount_of_commits] [Git cherry-pick from path]
- gitc : git commit $(gitgpgparam) (Alias)
- gitce : git commit $(gitgpgparam) ‐‐allow-empty (Alias)
- gitcs : git commit $(gitgpgparam) -s (Alias)
- gitca : git commit $(gitgpgparam) ‐‐amend (Alias)
- gitcae : GIT_EDITOR=”sed -i “/^#/d”” git commit $(gitgpgparam) ‐‐amend (Alias)
- gitcad : GIT_EDITOR=”sed -i “/^#/d”” git commit $(gitgpgparam) ‐‐amend ‐‐date=”$(date -R)” (Alias)
- gitrevert : GIT_EDITOR=”sed -i “/^#/d”” git revert $(gitgpgparam) (Alias)
- gitfix [Fix git commit issues]
- gitcauthor [Apply own author to commit]
- gitcaownership <from_SHA1> [Apply ownership from a commit]
- gitcamarker [Apply marker commit to author/committer]
- gitcid [Apply commit-msg hook to commit]
- gitcidupstream [Load commit-msg hook from upstream]
- gitec [Edit all files from a commit]
- gitrh : git reset FETCH_HEAD ‐‐hard (Alias)
- githd : git reset HEAD ‐‐hard (Alias)
- gitcl : git reset HEAD ‐‐hard; gitsu (Alias)
- gitcla : git cherry-pick ‐‐abort 2>/dev/null; git am ‐‐abort 2>/dev/null; git reset HEAD ‐‐hard; gitsu (Alias)
- gitro : git reset HEAD^ ‐‐hard (Alias)
- gitsl : git reset HEAD^; gitap; gitcae (Alias)
- gitrl : git revert HEAD -n; git commit -m “Revert”; git reset HEAD^; git add -p (Alias)
- gitri : git reset HEAD^ (Alias)
- gitrt : git reset ‐‐hard (Alias)
- gitsquashes <commits_count> [Get formatted squash message]
- githubusername [GitHub username getter]
- gitconfuser <“name”> <“email”> [Configure Git user and email]
- gitu [Add and switch between git users]
- gitconfeditor <app_name/default> [Configure Git editor application]
- gitconfmergetool <app_name> [Configure Git merge tool handling]
- gitconffilecrlf <auto/detect/input/warn> [bool_local] [Configure Git file CR/LF EOL handling]
- gitconffileperms <detect/ignore> [Configure Git file permissions handling]
- gitconfcolors <always/auto/never> [Configure Git colors handling]
- gitconfcommitstats <show/quick/hide> [Configure Git commits stats visibility]
- gitconfpager <less/more/none> [Configure Git pager handling]
- gitconfcredentials <cache/cache ‐‐timeout=X/store/wincred> [Configure Git credentials handling]
- gitconfgpgkey <gpg_key_id> [Configure Git GPG signing key]
- gitconfconflictsrepeat <enable/disable> [Configure Git conflicts repeated handling]
- gitconfdiffrenames <basic/detect/ignore> [Configure Git diff renames handling]
- gitconfgpgsignature <enable/disable> [Configure Git GPG signature usage]
- gpglist : gpg ‐‐list-secret-keys ‐‐keyid-format LONG (Alias)
- gpgsilent : echo “no-tty” >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf (Alias)
- githi : git update-index ‐‐assume-unchanged (Alias)
- gitsh : git update-index ‐‐no-assume-unchanged (Alias)
- gitgpgparam [Returns the GPG signature flag if enabled]
- gitfilter <parameters> [Use git commands with filters]
- gitnofilter <parameters> [Use git commands without filters]
- gitf : git fetch (Alias)
- gitfor : gitremoteverify origin gitrao; gitfr origin (Alias)
- gitfar : gitremoteverify $(githubusername) gitraa; gitfr $(githubusername) (Alias)
- gitfprivr : gitfr private (Alias)
- gitfu [remote] [branch] [Git fetch from validated remote]
- gitfr [remote] [branch] [Git fetch and reset hard]
- gitftr [remote] [branch] [Git fetch with tags and reset hard]
- gitfurl <url> [Git fetch from full url]
- gitunshallow [Git fetch and unshallow project]
- gitlo : git log ‐‐pretty=oneline ‐‐abbrev-commit (Alias)
- gitlod : git log ‐‐pretty=oneline ‐‐abbrev-commit ‐‐ (Alias)
- gitloo : git log ‐‐pretty=format:”%C(yellow)%h %Cred%ad %Creset%s” ‐‐date=short ‐‐all ‐‐ (Alias)
- gitlor : git log ‐‐pretty=format:”%C(yellow)%h %Cred%ad %Creset%s %Cgreen%d” ‐‐date=short ‐‐all ‐‐ (Alias)
- gitlosign : git log ‐‐show-signature (Alias)
- gitlos <path_or_.> [“search string input”] [search_max_count] [Search string in git history]
- gitlc [SHA1] [Show histories from a commit’s files]
- gitdi [SHA1] [Show git differences status]
- gitdiffw : git diff ‐‐color-words (Alias)
- gitdiffc : git diff ‐‐color-words=. (Alias)
- gitdfs <sha1commit> [git diff status of an SHA1]
- gitdf <sha1commit> <filepath> [git diffs from an SHA1]
- gitdiffall [Show a git diff with all chars]
- gitfindsha1 <remote/branch> <“title text to search”> [git search commit by title contents]
- gitmt : git mergetool (Alias)
- gitmte [Merge tool with manual conflicts resolution]
- gitmtr <referenced_path> [Merge tool with reference project sources]
- gitmtbasic [Merge tool with basic additions resolution]
- gitcpu <githuburltocommit> [branch] [Git URL commit cherry-picker]
- gitmerges <commit_sha1> [count] [Attempt to merge commit history]
- gitcpo <branch> <amount_of_commits> [Git origin cherry-picker]
- gitcpup [url] [Git URL patch applier]
- gitcpuf <patch_file> [Git patch from file applier]
- gitcpur <url> <search_text> <replace_text> [Git URL retargeted patch applier]
- gitpf : git push -f (Alias)
- gitpu [remote] [branch] [-y/-n/-d/-f/-t/‐‐tags] [Git push to validated remote]
- gitput : gitpu -t (Alias)
- gitpurl <url> [Git pull to full url]
- gitra : git rebase ‐‐abort (Alias)
- gitrc : git rebase ‐‐continue (Alias)
- gitre : git rebase ‐‐edit-todo (Alias)
- gitrs : git rebase ‐‐skip (Alias)
- gitrf <sha1> [Git rebase from a given commit]
- gitr [count] [Git rebase the last commits]
- gitrall [Git rebase all commits]
- gitrfedit <sha1> [Git rebase and edit from a given commit]
- gitredit [count] [Git rebase and edit the last commits]
- gitrbl [remote] [branch] [Git rebase all local commits]
- gitrb [remote] [branch] [Git rebase over remote branch]
- gitrbo : gitrb origin (Alias)
- gitrv : git remote -v (Alias)
- gitremoteset <remote_name> <remote_url> [Git remote setter]
- gitremoteadaptset <remote_name> <remote_github> [prefix_removal] [bool_prefix_android] [bool_underscore_to_dash] [Git remote adapter]
- gitremoteverify <remote_name> “command_to_run_if_missing” [Git remote verifier]
- gitraa [Add GitHub Username remote]
- gitraorigin gitremoteset ‘origin’ “${1}” (Inline)
- gitrapriv gitremoteset ‘private’ “${1}” (Inline)
- gitstat [remote] [branch] [stats_only] [Git history with remote comparator]
- gitst : gitstat (Alias)
- gitsto : gitremoteverify origin gitrao && gitstat origin $(git rev-parse ‐‐abbrev-ref HEAD) (Alias)
- gitstom : gitremoteverify origin gitrao && gitstat origin master (Alias)
- gitstg : gitremoteverify github false && gitstat github (Alias)
- gitstaosp : gitremoteverify aosp false && gitstat aosp master (Alias)
- gittagdescribe [Describe git history relative to tags]
- gitretag [Reapply latest created git tag]
- gitgetremote [Get git remote]
- gitgetbranch <remote> [Get git branch]
- gitgetreporemote [Get git repo project remote]
- gitgetrepobranch <remote> [Get git repo project branch]
- ll : ls -la (Alias)
- binaryeditor <patternsearch> [binariespath] [replacement] [Binary files parser and editor]
- binarysearch <patternsearch> [binariespath] [Binary files parser and searcher]
- fileedit <paths> [Files editor for most environments]
- fe : fileedit (Alias)
- fen : FILEEDIT_TOUCH_NEW_FILE=true fileedit (Alias)
- diropen [path] [Directory opener for most environments]
- dop : diropen (Alias)
- pathscompare <path_left> <path_right> [‐‐wait] [Paths comparison for most environments]
- urlopen <url> [URL opener for most environments]
- desktoppath [Acquire desktop path for most environments]
- cddesk [Access desktop path for most environments]
- processownercheck <process_name> <owner> [Returns if a process is owned by someone]
- editreplacelines <“match_line”> <“to_write”> <“files”> [Edit by replacing lines]
- editreplacematch <“match_line”> <“to_write”> <“files”> [Edit by replacing matches]
- editremovelines <“match_line”> <“files”> [Edit by removing lines]
- editremovematch <“match_line”> <“files”> [Edit by removing matches]
- editremovetrailingspaces <“files”> [Edit by removing trailing spaces]
- editremoveupto <“match_line”> <“files”> [Edit by removing lines up to first match]
- editremovefrom <“match_line”> <“files”> [Edit by removing lines from first match]
- editinsertabove <“match_line”> <“to_insert”> <“files”> [Edit by inserting above]
- editinsertbelow <“match_line”> <“to_insert”> <“files”> [Edit by inserting below]
- editreplacemultiline <“match_first”> <“match_last”> <“replace”> <“files”> [Edit by replacing multiple lines]
- edittrimoutput <“files”> [Edit by triming output line rewrites]
- fileschemesorter <file_to_sort> <file_reference> [Sort file against scheme file]
- findn : find -name (Alias)
- findhidden [path] [depth] [Find hidden files in a path]
- findfilteredprojectfiles [path] [params] [Find filtered project files]
- findnewer <20160123> [Search files newer than a date]
- g [inputs] [Grep through sources]
- gb [inputs] [Grep through binaries]
- gs [inputs] [Grep through sources and binaries]
- gce <inputs> [Grep and edit through sources and binaries]
- gck [inputs] [Grep through kernel configurations]
- gcs [inputs] [Grep through all code sources]
- gca [inputs] [Grep through all build makefiles]
- gcmanifest [inputs] [Grep through Android Manifests]
- gcrc [inputs] [Grep through Android .rc files]
- gcsep [inputs] [Grep through Android sepolicies]
- gcxml [inputs] [Grep through Android .xml files]
- gccontexts [inputs] [Grep through Android sepolicies contexts]
- gcdocker [inputs] [Grep through Docker files]
- gcgitlabci [inputs] [Grep through GitLab CI files]
- grepi : grep -ai (Alias)
- gcmodules [path] [List all LOCAL_MODULE elements]
- gcphony [List all PHONY rules]
- stringsgetall [params] [Run strings command based on host variants]
- toclip xclip -selection c (Inline)
- rsynca <path1> <path2> [Mirror a path to another]
- rsyncf <path1> <path2> [Mirror a path to another based on size only]
- pcinfo : inxi -Fxz (Alias)
- cpioext <cpio_file_to_extract> [Extract cpio file]
- videoresize <video_file> [Resize video dimensions]
- reownas [other_user_name] [Reown current folder recursively]
- diffbin <binary_left> <binary_right> [first_n_lines] [Compare binary files]
- drivespeedtest <test_file_path> [Run drive write speed test]
- networkrestart [Restart network manager]
- tmpclean [Cleanup /tmp from old leftovers]
- isdone : notify-send “Process execution finished !” (Alias)
- topcpu : top -o %CPU (Alias)
- topmem : top -o %MEM (Alias)
- keyboardinputs : xev | grep “keycode . (.)” (Alias)
- aptinstallbroken : sudo apt install -o Dpkg::Options::=”‐‐force-overwrite” ‐‐fix-broken (Alias)
- netspeed [Display network speeds]
- netspeedtest [Run SpeedTest client]
- getremoteip [Get remote ip through]
- pushb [message] [Pushbullet notification helper]
- shconfig [Get ~/.<shell>rc configuration]
- shup [Reload ~/.<shell>rc configuration]
- she [Edit ~/.<shell>rc configuration]
- shpath [Shell path getter]
- shminimal [Shell with SH_MINIMAL defined]
- cls [Clean terminal screen]
- sqlite2csv <.sqlite> <output_dir> [Convert SQLite database to .csv files]
- fileupl <file_path> [target_folder] [File to release server uploader]
- fileget <remote_path> [boot_remove_remote] [File from release server downloader]
- fastupl <file_path> [none/zip/bootimage] [Fast private file to server uploader]
- uploadftp <file_path> [target_folder] [uploadftp_variant] [File to FTP server uploader]
- downloadftp <remote_path> [uploadftp_variant] [Download from FTP]
- syncftp <local_path> <remote_path> <‐‐download/‐‐upload> [uploadftp_variant] [Folder with FTP server syncer]
- devuplboot <device> [Upload ROM bootimage]
- devuplrom <device> [folder_path] [Upload ROM build]
- androidfilesadd <file_path> <target_folder> [Add file to AndroidFiles]
- androidfilessync <‐‐upload/‐‐download> [Sync AndroidFiles folder]
- androidfilesdownload : androidfilessync ‐‐download (Alias)
- androidfilesupload : androidfilessync ‐‐upload (Alias)
- androidfilescd : cd “${ANDROID_FILES_PATH}/” (Alias)
- androidfilesopen [Open AndroidFiles folder]
- uploadmega <file_path> [target_folder] [Upload to]
- downloadmega <remote_path> [boot_remove_remote] [Download from]
- uploadprivatemega <device_name> [Upload to private]
- gitpr : gerritreview ssh://$(gerritusername) LineageOS . for (Alias)
- gitpg : gerritreview ssh://$(gerritusername) LineageOS . heads (Alias)
- gitprg : gitpr; gitpg (Alias)
- gitprgy : echo -n “ynyn” | gitpr; echo -n “yny” | gitpg (Alias)
- gitpraosp : gerritreview aosp . for (Alias)
- gitpraospma : gerritreview aosp . for master (Alias)
- gitprdaosp : gerritreview aosp . drafts (Alias)
- gitprdaospma : gerritreview aosp . drafts master (Alias)
- gitprtwrp : gerritreview ssh://$(gerritusername) . TeamWin for android-6.0 (Alias)
- gitprdtwrp : gerritreview ssh://$(gerritusername) . TeamWin drafts android-6.0 (Alias)
- lineagewebjekyll [bool_install] [Jekyll web helper]
- lineagecvetracker [bool_install] [CVE tracker instance helper]
- gitrao [Add LineageOS origin remote]
- gitraos [Add sonyxperiadev origin remote]
- gitrap [Development projects selector]
- byobusessionscleanup [Exit all unattached byobu sessions]
- byobudetachothers [Detach other Byobu clients]
- byoburenumberwindows [Renumber all Byobu windows incrementally]
- cleanram [RAM caches cleanup]
- rpmfindlist [Find all .rpm files and list contents]
- rpmfindstorage [Find RPM packages storage sorted usage]
- virtualboxroot [Launch VirtualBox as root]
- virtualboxmodulessign [Sign VirtualBox modules]
- megamirror <local_folder> <remote_folder> <‐‐upload/‐‐download> [‐‐copy,-y/-n] [MEGA mirror syncer]
- meganzreload [keep_service] [Reload account and keys]
- aospsony8960npatcher [specific_paths] [AOSP Sony 8960 Nougat Patcher]
- aospsony8960opatcher [specific_paths] [AOSP Sony 8960 O Patcher]
- aospsony8960omr1patcher [specific_paths] [AOSP Sony 8960 O MR1 Patcher]
- aospsony8960ppatcher [specific_paths] [AOSP Sony 8960 P Patcher]
- aospsony8960qpatcher [specific_paths] [AOSP Sony 8960 Q Patcher]
- aospsony8960masterpatcher [specific_paths] [AOSP Sony 8960 Master Patcher]
- autoreleaseaospsony8960p [devices] [Automated AOSP Oreo Sony 8960 releaser]
- autoreleaselineagesony8960q [devices] [Automated LineageOS Q Sony 8960 releaser]
- lineagesony8960patcher [specific_paths] [LineageOS 8960 Oreo Patcher]
- lineagesony8960rebaser [specific_paths] [LineageOS Devices Rebaser]
- aospsonysodppatcher [specific_paths] [AOSP SONY SODP Patcher]
- aospsonysodprebaser <master/n-mr1> [specific_paths] [AOSP SONY SODP Rebaser]
- sonyaospkernelupdate <device_name> [Automated Sony SODP kernel updater for AOSP]
- autoreleaseaospsodp8996 [devices] [Automated AOSP Sony SODP 8996 releaser]
- makekernelcopyleft [platform_device_to_init / clean / mrproper] [make_parameters] [Kernel inline compiler for Sony Copyleft]
- kernelcopyleftmerger <archive_tar_bz2> [Sony Copyleft kernel archive merge helper]
- lineagesony8996patcher [specific_paths] [LineageOS Sony 8996 Patcher]
- lineagesonysodppatcher [specific_paths] [LineageOS SONY SODP Patcher]
- lineagesonysodprebaser [specific_paths] [LineageOS SONY SODP Rebaser]
- stignorefromgit [bool_dry_run] [Rebuild SyncThing .stignore* from .gitignore]
- stignoreclean [bool_dry_run] [Cleanup untracked paths from SyncThing .stignore*]
- stignorecheck [Check untracked paths from SyncThing .stignore*]
- stconflictslist [List conflicts from SyncThing folders]
- stconflictsclean [Clean conflicts from SyncThing folders]
- stconflictsresolve [Resolve conflicts from SyncThing folders]